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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Constructor in JAVA

Constructors in Java are special methods used to initialize objects of a class. They have the same name as the class and are called automatically when an object is created. Here's an overview of when and how to use constructors in Java:


  1. Object Initialization: The primary purpose of constructors is to initialize the state (member variables) of an object. They ensure that the object is in a valid and usable state when it is created.
  2. Encapsulation: Constructors provide a way to encapsulate the initialization logic within the class, ensuring that the object is correctly initialized before any operations are performed on it.
  3. Flexibility: Constructors allow you to define different ways to create objects by accepting different sets of parameters, providing flexibility and customization during object creation.

How to use constructors:

  1. Define a constructor: Declare a method with the same name as the class. Constructors do not have a return type, not even void.
  2. Define parameterized constructors (optional): Constructors can accept parameters to initialize member variables based on the provided values.
  3. Use the new keyword to create objects: Instantiate objects using the new keyword followed by the constructor invocation.


public class Person {

    private String name;

    private int age;

    // Default constructor

    public Person() {

        // Initialization logic

        name = "John Doe";

        age = 0;


    // Parameterized constructor

    public Person(String name, int age) {

        // Initialization logic based on provided parameters

        this.name = name;

        this.age = age;


    // Other methods...

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create objects using constructors

        Person person1 = new Person(); // Invokes the default constructor

        Person person2 = new Person("Alice", 25); // Invokes the parameterized constructor

        // Use the created objects

        System.out.println(person1.getName()); // Output: John Doe

        System.out.println(person2.getName()); // Output: Alice



In the above example, the Person class has two constructors. The default constructor initializes the member variables with default values, while the parameterized constructor accepts values for name and age to initialize the object with provided values. In the main method, we create two Person objects using the constructors and access their properties.

Remember the following points when using constructors:

  1. Constructors have the same name as the class and are called automatically when an object is created.
  2. Constructors do not have a return type, not even void.
  3. Constructors can be overloaded, allowing you to define different ways to create objects based on varying parameter lists.
  4. If you don't provide a constructor explicitly, a default constructor (with no parameters) is automatically created by the compiler.
  5. Use constructors to initialize the state of objects and ensure they are in a valid and usable state. Constructors provide flexibility, encapsulation, and customization during object creation.

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