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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

How to install Protractor on Windows machine

Steps to install Protractor on Windows machine:

1. Go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/ 
2. Download Windows Installer (.msi) and install it.
In next step we will check correctly installed or not:
3. Open command prompt and execute this command: node --version
4. Command to check npm is: npm --version
[npm means node package manager which is command line utility to download open source software. Here it will be useful in Protractor installation.]
In next step we will install Protractor by using npm:
5. Command to install Protractor globally is: npm install -g protractor [We use globally when need to execute Protractor from any directory of the system]
6. Execute command to check version of the installed Protractor: protractor --version
7. Install webdriver managet to run selenium server and command is: webdriver-manager update
8. To start the selenium server command is: webdriver-manager start
In next step let's check script execution:
9. Open command prompt and go to example folder of Protractor. [e.g; C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\protractor\example] Here, username is your window system's user.
10. Execute command to run script is: protractor conf.js

Note: If you are getting any error to run example then recheck followed steps.


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